This is the England of my books. I was so glad to see the actual places I read about and used pictures and descriptions in my classroom. Below is the Anne Hathaway cottage with a thatch roof. Next is Shakespeare's family home in Stratford. I can visualize the family as they prepared their meals and sat in the dining room to eat and talk of the day.
Look at the is beautiful wallpaper. An original piece in the chair was used to recreate the design on the wall. I learned that the print was actually on a canvas like fabric and then applied to the walls.
And we think our kitchens are small! Of course the dishes are housed in the dining room while only the necessary cooking utensils reside in the work kitchen.
After our time in Stratford we journeyed through the Cotswalds to have high tea at a 16th century pub The College of Arms in Lower Quinton, Worickshire. We learned that Oxford and Cambridge Universities owned much of this land thus providing substantial monetary support for many years which is why, at one time, students who were accepted into the schools did not have to pay. Forward thinking for sure!
I never knew what clotted cream was but we sampled it with fresh scones. It was like a combination of whipped cream (unsweetened) and butter. High tea means sandwiches are also served. I found the fox on the roof entertaining as were the quacking ducks on the serene pond. The church, prepared for a wedding, towered above with its noble spires. All was quiet and restful.
We board our bus and journey slowly through the hills and dales winding our way across a one way lane spotted with various fields of activities as this was a bank holiday and families were out enjoying the countryside as we were. We passed an authentic Gypsy camp with their elaborate wagons parked on the side of the lane. Off to Bristol and the western side of England.
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