Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Ties That Bind

I attended an all school reunion for the first time recently.  This event is held every three years on Easter weekend which is why I have never attended, but I must admit, that it was very enjoyable.  My two sisters, my brother and I tour the school together, and we reminisce about the teachers we had.  Kindergarten begins at one end and grade twelve ends school at the other.  Not much has changed structurally in the old building.  There have been a few additions but the transom windows are in place, and I find a few doors with original hardware while new materials now cover the floors, walls and ceilings.  Through the front doors of the immaculate building and into the halls and classrooms echos the laughter of children, the sounds of shuffling feet, and the smells of chalk and sharpened pencils.

A large crowd has gathered in the cafeteria, and we can here a roar of conversations as we continue exploring the school.  Progress  slows as more alumni arrive, and we begin greeting those we know and introducing ourselves to those we did not.  Imagine the mingling of twenty year olds with ninety year olds in a most enjoyable atmosphere.  These are the people of our community.  They make up the essence of our past, present and future.
 Some who live in such communities express resentment because everyone knows one's business, but that is also what makes such communities special.  I remember well how we all pulled together in times of crisis like a destructive tornado, a pipeline explosion and the death of a principal.  I remember how most of the adults tried to make sure all students received a good education, guidance and nourishment whether it was of the food, spiritual, or emotional kind.  We are our neighbor's keepers.  We are much like those peas I picked every summer.  We are thrown together in a shell.  Some of us are bursting with flavor, some of us are not quite ripe, and others of us are dried peas from having lingered in the garden too long but not to be discarded.   When the shell pops, it is a wild card which peas we end up with, but all of the peas are gathered together in one big basket, and so it is with life.  These are the ties that bind.

As I pass through these doors once more I am grateful for my time here.  I received the adequate education, guidance and nourishment I needed to be a productive citizen.  I hope I have passed such a legacy on to my children and the thousands of students I have encountered along the way.  Thank you, W. for the ties that will always hold me dearly to you!



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